📄️ Introduction
The instance of docker images are called containers. The containers are not persistent as soon as you destroy them you will loss data.
📄️ Containers
Docker containers are instances that run virtual machines along with the desired software applications within them. In a microservice architecture, each service runs separately through Docker containers.
📄️ Images
An image file contains application binaries, and dependencies. It will also have meta data about how to execute the image.
📄️ Dockerfile
Docker file supports different keyworkds, they are not too many easy to undersstand. They keswoards are case sensitive and always in uppercase.
📄️ Volume & Bind mount
While working with containers, when we run a container it will have all required files and data with in it, as soon as we remove container the data will be lost for ever. This is a unique unique problem of docker.
📄️ Network
When a docker container starts it will start in some network environment based on given inputs, by default it will take private virtual network of docker "bridge"