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Regular expressions in JavaScript

Javascript borrowed regular expressions from perl language.


  • g - Global and for multiple matches
  • i - Case insensitive
  • m - Multi lines
  • u - Unicode
  • y - Sticky search (Search from current point)

Choice (|)

A regular expression choice contains one or more regex sequences enclosed in parentheses & separated by pipe symbols

String.match(/(str1|str2|str3)/) #checks if string have any of them and returns boolean


In above example the result would be in. it will not check for int as it is already success.

Syntax in JS

In Javascript there are two ways we can create a regular expression

# syntax 1
var reg = /\w+\s/gi

# syntax 2
var reg = RegExp("\\w+\\s","gi");

Characters in Regex

  • \ : - Escape Character
  • $ : - Match end of input, Ex: /B$/ doesn't match B in ABC, but will match B in AB
  • * : - Matches presiding expression zero or more items, Ex: /ra*/ matches raaaa in raaaat, and r in A rose, nothing in The java
  • + : - Matches presiding expression one or more times, also equal to {1,}, Ex /a+/ matches a in candy, aaa in Caaandy, but nothing in Cyndy
  • ? : - Matches presiding expression zero or one time, equals to {0,1}. Ex: /Kr?/ matches Kr in Krishna, K in Kiran
  • . : - Matches any single character except newline. Ex: /.a/ matches ra & la in Vikram billa
  • | : - The choice expression, works as explained above
  • {n} : - Matches exactly n occurrences of the presiding expression. n is a positive integer. /i{3}/ doesn't match anything in Vikram but matches iii in Viiikram.
  • {m,n} : - Matches atleast m, and atmost n occurrences. In this expression m, n are positive integers and always m <= n. When n ommitted its considered as Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.
"Vikram".match(/k{2,4}/) // matches nothing
"Vikkram".match(/k{2,4}/) // matches kk
"Vikkkkram".match(/k{2,4}/) // matches kkkk
"Vikkkkkkkkkkkkkkram".match(/k{2,4}/) // matches kkkk, will consider max 4 only
  • [] : - Matches any one of the character in square bracket. ., * not special and need not to be escape in brackets.

Meta chars or Escape chars

  • \w : - Equals to [a-zA-Z0-9_] matches a alphabets
  • \W : - Equals to [^a-zA-Z0-9_] opposite to \w matches non alphabet character
  • \d : - Equals to [0-9] matches a digit
  • \D : - Equals to [^0-9] matches a non digit character
  • \s : - Matches any whitespace character, equals to [\n\r\t\f]
  • \S : - Matches any non whitespace character
  • \b : - Matches with boundary, Ex: /vi\b/ matches Vi in Vikram but nothing in TriVikram. Similarly /\bram/ matches ram in Vikram but nothing in ramchandra
  • \B : - Inverse of \b, means should not match the boundary.
  • \n : - Matches new line
  • \t : - Matches new tab
  • \v : - Matches new vertical tab