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What is Spring boot?

Spring boot help to setup end to end spring app which is production ready in simple steps. It’s a kind of scuff holding tool for spring.


Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade spring based application that you can "just run"

What is spring?

Spring is a java application framework build based on programming and configuration model

Why spring?

  1. Application framework: Its provide template / frame work that help you build application
  2. Programming and configuration: model: Provides programming ready configuration models where you only have to warry about your business logic. 3.Infrastructure support


Not every programming language / fragmework / tool fits great for every requirement. Below are few drawbacks that helps you understand if you have to choose spring boot for your project or not.

  1. It’s a huge framework
  2. Multiple setup steps
  3. Multiple configuration steps

Spring boot comes handy to setup spring framework, it help us overcome complexity of setting of the spring fragmework and configure it for production level.

Advantages of using Spring boot

  • Opinionated: It will provide ready start setup later you can customize it as per requirement
  • Convention over configuration: It will provide production ready configuration which is more than 80% cases ready to use without any change.
  • Standalone: It provide ready to run application, we don't need to deploy it into server
  • Production ready: It will provide production ready output