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React native is a Javascript based framework that used for developing mobile apps, react native is an hybrid framework and cross platform, the apps that are developed in React Native can be published to both IOS and Android.

Get started

Required tools and softwares

  • Node.js : - Javascript backend technology
  • Watchman : - Watchman is a tool by Facebook for watching chagnes in the filesystem.
  • GIT : - Source control system for managing code
  • VSCode : - A powerful and popular text editor for coding.
  • Expo CLI : - React native client
  • Expo Go : - A bridge to run your application in mobile while development

Required tools in IOS

  • Xcode : - The Xcode will also install the IOS simulator and all the necessary tools to build your iOS app.

create your project

To setup react native project with below commands

npx create-expo-app MyMobileApp # Downloads a predefined project structure with the project name MyMobileApp
npx react-native init MyMobileApp --template react-native-template-typescript # typescript
cd MyMobileApp
npx react-native run-ios # For IOS version

When you lunch the app for first time it may possible that the app may show some error like shown in this page stackoverflow Just close simulator and re run it and see most probably it should go away, if not you have to ask google on what to do to fix your problem. Once setup is done and application up you could able to see this screen vs code selection

The folder structure

The folder structure of the Reactnative looks like bellow vs code selection

Reactnative components

Core copmonents

Below are list of core React native components and their equalent native components

Sr noReact native TagIOS ComponentAndroid ComponentWeb equalentDescription
1<View><ViewGroup><UIView><div>A container for creating layout with flexbox, it also supports css, touch events and accessabity
2<Text><TextView><UITextView><p>A component to show text
3<Image><ImageView><UIImageView><img>A component that shows image
4<ScrollView><ScrollView><UIScrollView><div>A generic container with scrolling ability
5<TextInput><EditText><UITextField><input type="text">Form text input
6<StyleSheet>CSSFor applying style to component

UI element

Other UI elements

Sr noTagDescription
1<ActivityIndicator>The circler loading component to show while any activity under process
2<Alert>The alert dialog with title and message.
3<ImageBackground>For set background image.
4<KeyboardAvoidingView>A view that moves ouf of the way of the virtual keyboard automatically
5<Modal>The Window component that opens on top of all components on screen
6<SafeAreaView>A SafeAreaView is a view that make sure your view is not beyond visibile area on screen
7<RefreshControl>In ScrollView or ListView, this component is used to refresh content when scrollY is 0
8<StatusBar>The componet to control the app statusbar
9<TouchableHighlight>A wrapper component to add support of tochanbility, the opacity of component go down on touch to highlith
10<TouchableOpacity>A wrapper component that properly responds to touches.
11<VirtualizedList>A list that consumre more memory used for only for special cases where other lists are not helpful.

Non UI components

UI element

Other UI elements

Sr noTagDescription
1AnimatedA lib for creating animations.
2DimensionsAn interface for getting device dimentions.
3LinkingProvide inerface to handle both incoming and outgoing app links.
4PixelRatioProvide access to device pixel ratio and density.
4PressableA core component wrapper, dispaches onPressIn, onPress, onLongPress and onPressOut events.

Layout (Flex box)

Using flexbox it is possible to create complex layout, learn more about Flex Box

User Interface

The common user interface controls that will render on any platform

  • Button
  • Switch

List Views

The list view renders components that are visibile on screen, where as scrollview renders all sub compoennts.

  • FlatList -- For rendering performant scrollble lists
  • SectionList -- Same as FlatList but for sectioned lists.

Android components and Apis

  • BackHandler -- Detect hardware button press for back navigation
  • DrawerLayoutAndroid -- Renders a Drawer layout (Side navbar or menu bar)
  • PermissionsAndroid -- Provide access to permission model introduced in Android M.
  • ToastAndroid -- Create an Android Toast alert.
  • TouchablenativeFeedback -- A wrapper for making views respond properly to touches.

iOS Componetns and Apis

  • ActionSheetIOS -- Api to display the iOS action sheet or share sheet.

Some importent instructions

  • Flexbox by default stores views in vertical, to make them in horizontal we have to set flexDirection property of flex to row

Using styles in Reactnative

const stls = StyleSheet.createStyle({
container: {
flex: 1,
backgorundColor: "#ffaabb"
heading: {
fontSize: 36,
bold: true

<View style={stls.container}>

Publish app to expo

expo publish # publishes the app to expo store, the slug in app.json is considered to identify app
expo publish --release-channel=verientOne #publishes a varient of the app
expo publish --release-channel=verientTwo #publishes another varient of the app

Component Lifecycle Methods


return true;

render() {








Rest calls

use fetch library for execute get data form REST calls


The list of hoos in React are

  • useState -- Used for handle state in statless components
  • useEffect -- Used for handle component lifecycle methods in stateless component
  • useCallback -- Used to cactch function and its function defination (The variable values with in fuction will not update as per outside function scope)
  • useMemo -- Used to catch variables

Async storage

Async storage is a local storage for react native where data can be saved as key values.

async function setdata() {
await AsyncStorage.setItem('key', value);

async function getData(){
const data = await AsyncStorage.getItem('key');
return data;