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The mongod.conf file is the configuration file for the MongoDB Database Server (mongod). It's written in YAML format and provides a way to set various options that control the behavior of mongod. Here's a breakdown of some of the key sections and settings you might find in a typical mongod.conf file:

Storage Settings

dbPath: "/var/lib/mongodb"
enabled: true
  • dbPath: The path where MongoDB stores its data files.
  • journal: Enables or disables write-ahead journaling. Journaling ensures data integrity through crashes and reboots.

System Log Settings

destination: file
logAppend: true
path: "/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log"
  • destination: Specifies where to send the log data. Options include file and syslog.
  • logAppend: If true, MongoDB appends new log entries to the log file. Otherwise, it overwrites the file.
  • path: Specifies the log file path.

Network Settings

port: 27017
  • port: The TCP port on which MongoDB listens for client connections.
  • bindIp: Specifies the IP addresses MongoDB can bind to. You can specify multiple IP addresses separated by commas.

Security Settings

authorization: "enabled"
  • authorization: Enables or disables role-based access control. Setting this to "enabled" requires all clients to authenticate before accessing the database.

Replication Settings

replSetName: "rs0"
  • replSetName: Specifies the name of the replica set. This is required for enabling replication.

Sharding Settings

clusterRole: "shardsvr"
  • clusterRole: Defines the instance's role in a sharded cluster. Options include configsvr for config servers and shardsvr for shard servers.

Operation Profiling

mode: slowOp
slowOpThresholdMs: 100
  • mode: Profiling mode. Options include off, slowOp, and all.
  • slowOpThresholdMs: Threshold in milliseconds to consider an operation slow.

Additional Parameters

enableLocalhostAuthBypass: false
  • setParameter: Allows you to set configurable parameters.


YAML supports comments, which are preceded by a # symbol. Comments can help explain the purpose of specific settings.

# This is a comment explaining the setting below
port: 27017