📄️ Input Decorator
In Angular, component inputs are a key feature that allow data to flow from a parent component to a child component. This mechanism is essential for building dynamic and interactive web applications where components are often dependent on external data to function properly. Here's a detailed explanation of handling component input in Angular:
📄️ Output Decorator
Handling component output in Angular is a crucial aspect of component interaction, especially when building complex applications with a hierarchy of components. The @Output() decorator, used in conjunction with the EventEmitter class, enables child components to emit events that can be listened to by parent components. This mechanism allows for effective child-to-parent communication.
📄️ ViewChild Decorator
The @ViewChild decorator in Angular is a key feature used in component classes to access a child component, directive, or a DOM element directly from the template. This decorator provides a way to interact with child components and elements dynamically and programmatically.
📄️ ViewChildren Decorator
The @ViewChildren decorator in Angular is a query that allows you to access a list of elements or directives from the view DOM. Unlike @ViewChild, which only gives you access to a single child element or directive, @ViewChildren grants access to all child elements or directives that match a given selector. This is particularly useful when you need to interact with multiple child components or elements of the same type.