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Inline Display

The display: inline; value in CSS is another fundamental display setting that controls how an element behaves within the layout. Unlike block-level elements, inline elements do not start on a new line and only take up as much width as their content requires.


  1. No Line Breaks: Inline elements do not start on a new line and will not force a new line after them. They flow within the text and other inline elements.

  2. Width and Height: Unlike block-level elements, setting the width and height properties on inline elements will not have any effect. The dimensions are determined by the content.

  3. Horizontal Margins and Padding: You can apply left and right margins and padding, but top and bottom margins and padding won't affect the element's dimensions.

  4. No Full-Width: Inline elements do not take the full width of their parent container; they only take up as much space as their content requires.

  5. Vertical Alignment: You can use the vertical-align property to control the vertical positioning of inline elements relative to their baseline.

  6. Box Model: The box model is limited for inline elements. While you can still apply border and padding, the margin, width, and height properties behave differently compared to block-level elements.

Example I: Basic Usage


<span class="inline-element">This is an inline element.</span>


.inline-element {
display: inline;

Example II: Adding Border and Padding


.inline-element {
display: inline;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 5px;

Example III: Horizontal Margin


.inline-element {
display: inline;
margin-left: 10px;
margin-right: 10px;

Example IV: Vertical Alignment


.inline-element {
display: inline;
vertical-align: top;

Best Practices

  1. Appropriate Use: Use display: inline; for elements that should be part of the text flow, like <span>, <a>, or <strong>.

  2. Avoid Width and Height: Since width and height have no effect, avoid setting these properties on inline elements.

  3. Use Inline-Block for Dimensions: If you need an inline element with dimensions, consider using display: inline-block;.

  4. Be Mindful of Whitespace: Whitespace in HTML can affect the rendering of inline elements. Make sure to account for this in your layout.