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In a React project, the package.json file serves as the manifest file that contains metadata about the project, including a list of dependencies and a set of scripts that can be executed using npm or yarn. These scripts are defined under the scripts field and are essentially command-line commands that are used for various tasks like starting the development server, building the project, running tests, etc.

Here's a typical example of the scripts section in a package.json file generated by Create React App (CRA):

"scripts": {
"start": "react-scripts start",
"build": "react-scripts build",
"test": "react-scripts test",
"eject": "react-scripts eject"

Explanation of Each Script:

  1. start: This script runs the development server and opens your app in development mode. It usually runs on http://localhost:3000/ unless the port is already in use. The page will automatically reload if you make changes to the code.

    npm start
  2. build: This script bundles the app into static files for production. It optimizes the React app for best performance and puts the build artifacts in the build/ directory.

    npm run build
  3. test: This script launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode. It's configured to use Jest, and it looks for test files with .test.js or .spec.js in the filename.

    npm test
  4. eject: This script will remove the single build dependency (react-scripts) from your project and move the build dependencies and scripts into the package.json file. This is an irreversible operation and is generally not recommended unless you're sure you need to customize the build process.

    npm run eject

Optional Scripts:

Some projects may include additional scripts for tasks like code formatting, linting, or deploying. For example:

"scripts": {
"lint": "eslint src/",
"format": "prettier --write src/",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build"
  • lint: Runs ESLint on the src/ directory to check for code quality issues.
  • format: Runs Prettier to automatically format the code in the src/ directory.
  • deploy: Deploys the build/ directory to GitHub Pages.


The React build process is a sequence of steps that transform the source code written in React (JSX, ES6, etc.) into a production-ready bundle of static files. This bundle can be served by any web server and is optimized for performance. Here's how it works:

Steps in the React Build Process:

  1. Initialization: When you run npm run build or yarn build, the build process starts, and the configurations from tools like Webpack, Babel, and others are loaded.

  2. Transpilation: Babel transpiles JSX and ES6+ code into plain JavaScript that browsers can understand. This is essential because not all browsers support the latest JavaScript features.

  3. Bundling: Webpack takes care of bundling all the JavaScript files into a single file. It also bundles other assets like images, CSS, etc., based on the configuration.

  4. Minification: The bundled code is minified to reduce its size. This involves removing white spaces, comments, and renaming variables to shorter names, etc.

  5. Optimization: Various optimizations are performed to make the code more efficient. For example, tree shaking removes unused code, and code splitting can create multiple bundles to improve load times.

build folder structure

Above image is a sample screenshot about how the build process devided javscript files to chunks and how it minify thm.

  1. Asset Generation: All assets like images and fonts are processed and moved to the build folder.

  2. HTML Generation: An HTML file is generated and all the JavaScript and CSS files are injected into it. This is usually the index.html file that you see in the build directory.

  3. Output: All these optimized and bundled files are saved in a build directory by default. This folder contains all static files that you can deploy to any web server.

Linking with public/index.html:

  • The index.html in the public folder serves as a template. During the build process, the bundled JavaScript file(s) are automatically injected into this HTML file.
  • The div with id="root" in index.html is the mounting point for the React application. The bundled JavaScript code attaches the React app to this div.

Linking with src/index.js:

  • The index.js file in the src folder is the entry point for the React application. This is where the React DOM renders the root React component.

This info will give a better grasp of how a React application is transformed into a production-ready application.